Discipleship Training
Our Discipleship Classes are set up in a semester format. Each semester we offer a slate of discipleship classes aimed at meeting a number of needs. For example, we will have classes for men, women, youth, as well as life issue classes that touch on such things as marriage, finances, parenting, and the like.
Ladies' Bible Study • 3525 Lynnwood 78415 • Bible Study & Fellowship
Nell Jackson facilitates our Ladies' Bible and Prayer Group on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM in her home. Please come and join us in our praising, prayer and Bible Study time.
Sunday Evening
The Circle Maker - Nell Jackson's
Study by Mark Batterson Facilitated by Nell Jackson
Conversion - How God Created a People - Domengeaux
Study by by Michael Lawrence Facilitated by the Domengeaux's
For More Information on our Discipleship Classes, fill out the form to the left or call the Church Office @ 361.855.1554
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